Sponsor a Kiwi kid and give them the tools to learn for life.

For the 3,000 Kiwi kids on Variety’s waiting list, sponsorship is the difference between having a school uniform, stationery, warm clothing and shoes, bedding and blankets, or not. You can help.

By becoming a Kiwi Kid Sponsor, you will be directly changing your sponsored child’s life by paving the way to a more equitable future for them and their whānau

Your year-round support at $50 a month, will provide a Kiwi kid living in poverty with the essentials they need to thrive. Will you sponsor today?

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      How does Kiwi Kid Sponsorship work?
      Decide which child you'd like to help
      Deciding which child to sponsor is up to you. Perhaps you share an interest or have a connection to the region they live. Whatever the reason, your donation will help change their life.
      See your gift at work
      You'll be able to write to your child through our moderated portal and each year we’ll send you an updated picture and a note about the difference you’ve made for them.
      Become part of their success story
      You can sponsor a child until they turn 18 or leave school. However long you choose to sponsor a child, your support will have a profound impact on their health, education and wellbeing.

      Let us answer your questions
      about sponsoring a Kiwi kid.

      Frequently asked questions

      We look forward to sending you an introduction to the child you’ll sponsor. You’ll get a picture of them and learn about their hobbies or their favourite subject at school.

      You can communicate with them, if you wish, by sending messages though our online portal. While we can’t guarantee that each child will be able to reply, it can be really exciting for them to hear from you.

      You’ll also have the chance to make Christmas and their birthday extra special, by sending a greeting and gift cards.

      Each year, we’ll send you an updated picture and a note about the difference you’ve made for them. You’ll also receive a tax-deductible receipt for your generous donations.
      Variety manages the funds on behalf of your sponsored child’s family to ensure that, where possible, the money goes straight to the provider (like the school) and is tailored to whatever it is that the child really needs.

      The majority (75%) of your sponsorship donations are used to fund the essentials and opportunities your sponsored child needs to thrive. The remaining amount is used to help them in other ways.

      This may include working with your sponsored child’s family to assess their needs, directing the funding to the goods or service providers, and enabling the exchange of messages between your sponsored child and you.

      A small portion helps keep the programme running, meeting your needs as a donor, and working with schools and community groups to refer other children in need.
      Young people in need can reapply for Kiwi Kid Sponsorship until they turn 18. If they leave the programme because of their age, or if their circumstances improve, we will connect you with another child to sponsor.

      While we'd love you to remain a sponsor for as long as possible, we understand that if your financial situation changes you may need to end your sponsorship. Please get in touch with us as soon as possible to let us know.
      We work with schools and social services agencies who refer children who are living in material hardship. Parents/caregivers are required to complete an application (including statement of income) and agree to our code of conduct.

      We review each application individually, and once a year thereafter, the child’s caregiver must complete a renewal form to secure the next year’s funding. This process allows us to assess whether the child is still in need.
      Each year, when the child’s sponsorship is renewed, we’ll send you an updated picture and a note about the difference you’ve made for them. 
      We send you an update on how your sponsorship is helping each year.

      We also encourage the children to write to you at other times. However, this isn’t always possible. Some children/families are unable to communicate due to the extreme circumstances they live in, or due to language or literacy issues.

      We do know from working with the families, that the kids whose caregivers are not able to help them write back are often the ones most in need, and most appreciative of the generous support of their sponsor. When we do receive a message, we will pass it on to you.
      Yes! The easiest way is through your Variety sponsorship account online.
      To respect the child's privacy and yours, all communication is made through Variety. Please refrain from mentioning identifiable details such as your surname, workplace or school.
      Group 89More questions? Contact us on 09 520 4111 or

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