The next step is easy.

We have different ways to help you.

Let's start by finding out which option is right for you and your child.

Click HERE to download and read our Te Reo Māori brochure.

Click HERE to download and read our Gagana Samoa brochure.

Click HERE to download and read our English brochure.

Kiwi Kid Sponsorship

Kiwi Kid Sponsorship (KKS) provides ongoing support for children from 4 to 17 years old.

Children on KKS are matched to a sponsor who helps pay for the cost of essential things like clothing, towels, bedding, school uniforms and stationery, school camp and extracurricular activities like swimming or music lessons.

Children on KKS also get $300 each year to spend on sport and play through the Active Me – Kia Tū programme.

Active Me – Kia Tū

Active Me - Kia Tū is a fund created in partnership with Sport NZ. It’s designed to get Kiwi kids involved in play, activities, and sports – so they can participate in the things they love to do.

As part of Kiwi Kid Sponsorship, all sponsored children receive an Active Me grant of $300 to help them get active and moving.

Individual Grants

An individual grant is a one-off payment. This can be spent on:

  • Everyday essentials (bedding, clothes, shoes)
  • School costs (uniforms)
  • Extracurricular activities
  • Medical fees and equipment
  • Technology.

Individual grants are given every four months to caregivers of children from 0 to 18 years.

Individual grants are reviewed on a case-by-case basis and are not guaranteed.

Do you know a child who needs help?

Variety helps pay for the costs of essential things children need to stay healthy, to go to school and to take part in their community 

You can apply for Kiwi Kid Sponsorship or an Individual Grant on behalf of a child in need.

Got any questions about Kiwi Kid Sponsorship?

Frequently asked questions

To apply for KKS, please click on Ongoing Support – Apply Online above. It will take you to our Variety portal where you will be asked to create an account using your email address and a password. The form can be completed online and all documents attached at the end. Please ensure to have the following handy so you can readily attach them when prompted:
• Community Services Card (or bank statements)
• Clear photo of your child
• Copy of your child's birth certificate or passport.
Yes, Variety has always been happy to support multiple children in one family. You can apply for all children in your care aged 4 to 17. If you already have a child on Kiwi Kid Sponsorship and would like to enrol their sibling/s, please login and apply.
Our Kiwi Kid Sponsorship team reviews all new applications online within 2 weeks of submission.
Once your application is reviewed, you will receive an email to let you know you are on the waiting list for a sponsor. It can take up to 24 months to match a child with a sponsor, but we are always working hard to reduce the waiting time. Unfortunately, we always have more children in need than we have sponsors, but if your circumstances change while you are waiting, or you have concerns, please get in touch with us at
Group 89More questions? Contact us on 09 520 4111 or

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